Doelen Ensemble
Eva Stegeman is primarius at Doelen Ensemble Rotterdam.
Eva Stegeman is primarius at Doelen Ensemble Rotterdam.
Photo: Anne Meyer
Ever since 1990 the Doelen Ensemble brings listeners classical music of the 20th & 21st century. A broad and striking repertoire is played within continuously changing specifications ranging from chamber music to large scorings with regular presentations of theatre music. Doelen Ensemble concerts are of an internationally recognized high standard challenging audiences with their particular constitution of pieces. Young and up-coming composers are combined with recent masterspieces in which thematic connections give a completely new context to individual pieces. In short, classical music as it is seldom heard and experienced.
Doelen Ensemble works with a fixed pool of musicians and works together on a regular basis with other ensembles, like DoelenKwartet and Notabu, German ensemble for contemporary classical music.